About Red Dog Pottery
Nestled on the historic Suwannee River in North Florida, Red Dog Pottery is a small batch pottery business that creates hand built and wheel thrown pottery. Inspired by the beautiful surroundings of river life, my goal is to create pieces that resonate with those that appreciate the nature and beauty of all textures and shapes that are functional and pleasing to the eye.
Artist's Statement
Hello! I am Karen Crosby, the artist and founder of Red Dog Pottery. I have been making pottery since 2002. I enjoy working with my hands, creating something from inspiration and imagination and love of the organic journey of clay. It begins with a malleable piece from the earth and is transformed through different stages into a permanent end state that lasts a lifetime. Every part of the journey tells a story!
Inspiration behind Red Dog Pottery
Many of you may be wondering why Red Dog Pottery? The inspiration for Red Dog Pottery was due to the beautiful red and rust Doberman in the photograph below. His name was Otto and was our very first Doberman Pinscher. He marked the beginning of our love affair with Dobermans. Otto taught us so much and was a magnificent example of the best of dogs no matter the breed. While he left us too soon due to cancer, he taught us the best environment is a safe environment, whatever the back ground… pedigree or rescue… and no matter the breed. As such, since then we have always adopted rescued Dobermans. All, save one Pit Bull mix, now the resident studio dog of Red Dog Pottery.
Getting back to pottery… I have always loved getting my hands dirty… and have never had the lack of company in the form of a dog wanting to help me in the studio!